Global Fiber Procurement Policy

January 27, 2023

十大外围足彩网是世界领先的可再生纤维十大外围足彩网生产商之一. 我们的 愿景 是成为世界上最成功、最可持续、最负责任的十大外围足彩网之一. 我们的 任务 is to improve people’s lives, 通过将可再生资源转化为人们每天依赖的十大外围足彩网,保护地球和我们十大外围足彩网的业绩. 

我们总是以正确的方式,出于正确的理由,做正确的事情——这就是 The IP Way. Together, The IP Way and our Core Values serves as our guideposts as we carry out our 任务:

安全- Above all, we care about people. We look out for each other to ensure everyone arrives home safely.

道德 – We act honestly and operate with integrity and respect. We promote a culture of openness and accountability.

Stewardship – 我们是人民、社区、自然资源和资本的负责任的管理者. We strive to leave everything in better shape for future generations.

The IP Way Forward 我们的战略框架能否成功实现我们的愿景, sustainable and responsible companies in the world. 知识产权的未来之路由五个战略驱动因素组成,这些驱动因素定义了我们如何为子孙后代的所有利益相关者创造价值:

The IP Way Forward strategic framework

Strategic Driver: Sustaining Forests 

我们的 entire business depends on the sustainability of forests. 我们将继续在负责任的森林管理方面引领世界,确保为子孙后代提供健康和富有成效的森林生态系统. This Strategic Driver includes three Key Commitments: 

  • Keep forestland forested 
  • Support forest ecosystems 
  • Maximize fiber use, recovery and reuse
我们的 Commitment to 健康的 and Abundant Forests 

十大外围足彩网认识到,可持续管理的森林是维持和提高经济效益的森林, 社会, and environmental values for the benefit of present and future generations. We are committed to producing the products our customers need, while ensuring responsible stewardship of the world’s natural resources. To meet the expectations of our employees, customers and other stakeholders, 我们将领导全球森林管理工作,为人类建设更美好的未来, the planet, and our company. 我们进一步承诺通过投资研究,在我们自己的供应链之外创造健康的森林景观, restoration and conservation initiatives that benefit forests, 水sheds and biodiversity.

我们的 Global Fiber Procurement Policy 

Given our dependence on sourcing fiber from privately owned working forests, 我们的目标是运营一个无与伦比的纤维采购系统,与我们的安全核心价值观相一致, 道德, and Stewardship. 

For fiber that we purchase, we commit to sourcing according to the following principles: 

  • 我们将遵循所有适用的法律,只从已知纤维来源的供应链中采购合法纤维; 
  • 我们将在十大外围足彩网上实施第三方认证的采购系统(监管链), pulp and paper mills; 
  • We will promote safe and healthy working conditions with our suppliers; 
  • We will engage with stakeholders, including providing technical assistance, to advance sustainable forest management practices; 
  • 我们将利用地理信息系统绘图(GIS)技术和/或相关的基于风险的尽职调查程序,确保我们的采购活动维持或改善环境, 社会, and economic values of the forests from which we source fiber.

We will not accept: 

  • Fiber from an unknown region of origin; 
  • Fiber that has been illegally harvested or acquired; 
  • 来自高养护价值受到森林管理活动威胁的森林的纤维; 
  • 不符合我们对森林转换监管链认证要求的纤维; 
  • 来自已知侵犯人权的来源的纤维,包括冲突木材
我们的 Position on Third-Party Certification 

我们支持通过森林管理和产销监管链认证等工具对可持续森林管理进行第三方核查, 我们将继续满足客户对认证纤维十大外围足彩网的需求. 我们也认识到森林核证对小土地所有者的行政和财政挑战, and in response, 我们投入自己的财政和技术资源,支持土地所有者获得其森林管理实践的认证, including managing our own group certificates.

Supporting Forest Ecosystems 

The soil, 水, biodiversity, 气候, cultural, 健康森林的经济和娱乐价值对地球和社区的益处远远超出了我们自己的供应链. As one of the world’s largest users of wood fiber, 我们希望通过保护和恢复活动扩大我们对森林的积极影响,以补充我们对可持续森林管理和负责任采购的承诺. 

我们与国家和全球森林保护组织合作,帮助他们的努力,并制定行动,改善我们自己的采购做法. 这些战略伙伴关系对于实现长期影响所需的规模和制定解决关键区域和全球林业问题的可持续亚洲十大信誉购彩官网至关重要.

We collaborate with academic institutions, associations, 环保非牟利机构及政府机构在以下范畴推行措施: 

  • Species conservation through habitat enhancement; 
  • Reforestation of native species; 
  • Research in forest science and economics; 
  • Watershed restoration; 
  • Enhanced carbon sequestration and 气候 mitigation in working forests; 
  • Biodiversity monitoring; 
  • Forestland owner education and outreach; 
  • Sustainable forest management education; 
  • 为可持续森林管理政策和做法创造有利条件.
愿景 2030 

“2030年愿景”体现了我们为人类建设更美好未来的决心, the planet and our company. 它包括四个目标和八个相应的指标,使我们能够衡量我们的进展:

健康的 & Abundant Forests – Lead forest stewardship efforts globally.
  • 我们的纤维100%来自可持续管理的森林,或在保护森林的同时回收纤维, 水sheds and biodiversity
  • 保护和恢复100万英亩(约40万公顷)具有重要生态意义的林地
  • Reduce our Scope 1, 2 & 温室气体排放量减少35%,与现有的最佳气候科学一致
  • 减少25%的用水量,并在所有工厂实施基于环境的水管理计划
Thriving People & Communities – Promote employee well-being by providing safe, 关爱和包容的工作场所,加强我们社区的复原力
  • Achieve zero injuries for employees and contractors
  • Improve the lives of 100 million people in our communities
  • Achieve 30% overall representation of women and 50% women in salaried positions; implement regional diversity plans, including 30% minorities in U.S. salaried positions
  • 在整个价值链中推进循环亚洲十大信誉购彩官网,创造100%可重复使用的创新十大外围足彩网, recyclable, or compostable